Level 3 Pipe Welder
This occupation is found in a wide range of sectors where piping systems are used for fluid transport and pressure containment. This will include Engineering Construction, Maintenance and Project upgrades, Oil & Gas (upstream extraction, bulk fluid transport & distribution, downstream processing), Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals (manufacturing and process plant); Power Generation (Thermal, Biomass & Nuclear); Food, Dairy & Brewery Process plant and equipment; Water and Water treatment (processing, bulk transport & distribution and remediation); and Fuel & Coolant systems for Transport Vehicles (Aerospace, Marine, Road & Rail systems).
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for the safety, quality, productivity and accuracy of their own work whilst ensuring it conforms to a relevant pipe welding specification. Ensuring the bore cleanliness is maintained to the requirements of the piping system to assure the integrity of the system, components and product that will flow within the completed pipe system. Pipe Welders can hold a range of responsibilities ranging from working autonomously during their planning and production activities to being an integrated part of a wider team working on the overall pipework system, reporting to a workplace supervisor. This can vary based on the size of organisation and sector in which they work.
What is involved in the Level 3 Pipe Welder Standard?
All apprentices taking part in the level 3 Pipe Welder Standard will spend 20 weeks at the Swarm REAGIT centre in Norwich. During these 100 days of intensive training, the apprentice will develop basic skills in:
Health and Safety and workshop behaviours,
Hand tools and traditional engineering techniques,
Working with and understanding technical documentation.
Welding skill development in welding processes to include MIG, TIG, MMA and Fluxed Core
Pipe preparation and fabrication
The apprentice will then attend site 1 day per week for 2 years to complete the technical element of the apprenticeship.
Our tutors will attend site every 8-12 weeks for onsite observations, support and preparation of the portfolio for the End Point Assessment (EPA)
For full information on this standard, please refer to the IfATE website HERE
Level 3
Pipe Welder
Status: Approved for delivery
Level: 3
Reference: ST0851
Version: 1.0
Date updated: 31/05/2022
Approved for delivery: 19 July 2019
Route: Engineering and manufacturing
Typical duration to gateway: 48 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding: £27000
LARS Code: 487
EQA Provider: Ofqual
Next steps
If you are an employer, send Louisa an email to get started
If you want to become an apprentice and you want help in finding a role, then drop Sophie an email with a copy of your cv